ethRill App
Product Design
Product Design
ethRill app translates offline actions into online value within digital platforms by allowing users to form digital assets out of their offline activities, which get stored on their crypto wallet. What is an online/offline relation that is beneficial to the participant? How can web3 be translated in such a way that more people have access to what it means, how it manifests, and what the possibilities are?
Jan - May 2022

I explored the Web3 movement: what it stood for, the opportunities it presented, and the decentralized nature of this next era of the internet. I became more deeply interested in how to bring the exploration of online to offline interactions into the possibilities of Web3. This is where ethRill interface was born.
I arrived at this place after a generative process that involved research, experimentation, secondary interviews, prototyping, and user testing.
When I first started working on ethRill, I set out to build parts of the interface and to potentially deploy it on the blockchain. It started by creating a user experience prototype, with Figma, showing what the interface could look like. And coded an interaction with an output in p5.js. This helped better understand what I wanted out of the interface: such as deciding to have the interface to be a translation of offline behavior whereby the behavioral data gets written on the blockchain and thus earns the participant a virtual token or digital asset. Besides earning a virtual token, a key element is having the behavioral data written on the person’s wallet on the blockchain which means: they own their own data.
I then decided that a more effective approach would be to demonstrate the way the interface will work through an offline experience. The reason why I took this approach is because Web3 is a growing movement that is not fully matured and not yet accessible, nor understood by everyone. I did a reddit survey to gauge the adoption & understanding of blockchain and metaverse concepts. The findings showed that understanding how it works was a key missing element.

Testing demo
This demo was a form of speculative demo, where the participant is experiencing the explanation of the interface, or rather, experiencing a possibility.