Hello 👋️ I’m Jessica,
NYC based 
Product Designer and Creative Technologist

I solve problems through product building and management with my interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary practice which involves computing, design, art, and business. 

👾 tech         💭 design                🎮 media             💸 business

Select Projects

I bridge the gap between product and experience design.

My work is at the intersection of emering media and purposeful applications. 

Design + Tech 
DEC-MAY 2022
Creating online value on web3 from offline actions.
Filed under:
Interaction Design, Product Design, Coding, UX, Physical Computing


The goal was to create a remarkable project to be my masters thesis, hence my decision was to build an interactive prototype with physical computing and a digital app interface.


  • Concept development for Web3.0 dApps, NFTs. Research on crypto wallets, crypto tokens, digital assets, metaverse and multiverse

  • Prototyped user experience, interaction design, and human-computer interaction design

  • UX/UI design of app ideas and interfaces including user research, personas, design and testing

  • Physical Computing in Arduino Uno | Coding | 3D Printing | Conductive Fabrication | Laser Cutting

Wrote an academic paper on creating value on web3


First UX Prototype


I'm proud of creating ethRill, a project which I designed from from 0-1.

I was able to accomplish this in 5 months with an MVP and launched it at a public event where users tried it out and really enjoyed it! The overflow of folks excited to play my game is a step forward in validating my proof of concept.

©2022 Jessica Jabr –  All Rights Reserved
Copyright of Original Works © 2022 Jessica Jabr

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